Coding Projects

Houdini Export Point Attributes

created with
Houdini, Python

NOTE: This tool is being updated to both save and load this point data! Stay tuned for updates.

This is a tool I wrote to export point attributes to a CSV file. This code is based on a script written by SideFX found here. This tool is an HDA where you can specify the output file path and the attributes you'd like to export. HDA available upon request, and the code can be found on Github.

Just like in native Houdini nodes, you can use * and ^ operators to determine which attributes to include. For example, if your attributes include P, pscaleCd, and length, and your attribute string looks like this: * ^p, the attributes that will be included are Cd and length. Ptnum is included by default. You can also use patterns like p* or *th. Regardless of the attributes you choose to export, the attributes on the points themselves stay the same.

In node editor
Tool Interface
Example Output
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